Steve's Radio Gallery
Rare and unique items from the exclusive WD8DAS collection ...
Steve's homebrew 1950's-style 100w CW transmitter
(click here for schematic)
(click here for description)
Chinese 222-1 military HF receiver 1.5 - 30 MHz
(click here for more photos and schematic)
(click here for QST Article on the 222-1 receiver)
Chinese 102E military HF transmitter AM/CW
(click here for more photos and schematic)
Czech RF-10 military VHF transceiver
(click here for manuals and schematics in English)
Homebrew grounded-grid 160 meter amplifier based on GI-7B tube
(click here for more photos and schematic)
Homebrew 10-watt 160-meter AM transmitter
(click here for more photos and schematic)
Homebrew 160-meter AM receiver
(click here for more photos and schematic)
The Two Tube Tuna Tin Transmitter.
(click here for schematic)
(click here for more photos)
(click here for article)
Yaesu FT100 MKII restoration project.
(click here for more photos and info)
Heath SB-230 amplifier retrofit project.
(click here for more photos and info)
The "Raider" Transmitter.
(click here for more photos and schematic)
My "BC-221X" Transceiver. A QRP Labs CW rig built into a vintage BC-221 frequency meter cabinet.
(click here for more photos and schematic)
JRC NSC-17M Maritime "reserve" transmitter.
A lifeboat 500 kHz emergency transmitter.
(click here for more photos and schematic)
My homebrew portable Morse key.
(click here for more photos )
Key I built using hardware-store items when I found myself keyless in a hotel room.
The "Visible Keyer" - K40 keyboard keyer.
The "IC-21X" 40m CW Transmitter with DDS VFO.
(click here for block diagram)
Southcom SC-130 backpack transceiver.
(click here for block diagram and schematics)
British "Spitfire" R1147a direction-finding receiver.
The 20m "RockMite" in spy radio enclosure.
(click here for more photos of RockMite)
Steve's homebrew 1960's-style HF receiver
(click here for schematic)
(click here for more photos of receiver)
Restored National SW-3.
Restored Zenith TransOceanics.
Model 8G005Y (L) and Model H500 (R).
RT-68/GRC and PP-109/GR mounted on my 1951 M38 jeep.
AN/GRR-5 receiver mounted on my M38.
KW Electronics KW-2000B Transceiver
AM station WD8DAS
But at least that Dodge is well-grounded!
How it all started for Steve.
A pile of restored receivers.
T-784 clandestine/special-forces transmitter (p/o GRC-109).
Restored National NC101X.
RCA-Victor 813K multiband console with "Magic Brain" tuning system.
Restored Hallicrafters S-40B.
Kokusai SSB Exciter.
(click here for more photos of Kokusai exciter)
Tuna Tin II QRP rig.
WD8DAS "wearable" wrist handie-talkies.
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